5 Reasons Christian Parents Can Have Hope in a Secular Age

We live in a world that feeds our fears as parents and leaves us anxious and angry. There is no shortage of advice, either. Just open any parenting book, and you'll find ten more fears to address besides the ones you started with. It's tempting to turn to idols for relief, chasing success and control. But as believers, we have a sure hope we can cling to as we raise teens in an increasingly secular age. Here are five reasons we can be hopeful as we navigate the challenges of parenting.

We have access to divine wisdom. Unlike the endless stream of parenting advice from fallen humans, God has provided us with his infallible wisdom through the Bible. As we read and understand his timeless truth, we're given the wisdom we need to navigate the challenges of parenting.

We have access to divine help. As much as we want to control our teen's circumstances, there are many things beyond our ability to change. But we have a God who cares for us and invites us to bring our burdens to him. We can ask him for wisdom and assurance that he will provide. We're not alone in this challenge of parenting, and our prayers matter.

God uses families. God has chosen to work through families to shape the faith of our teens. Our homes can be a place of real community, where our kids find something better than what the world has to offer.

The church's community matters. Our teens face a loneliness epidemic, but they're more likely to report higher levels of happiness and well-being if they attend religious services regularly in childhood and adolescence. Researchers have noted the positive effects of weekly church attendance on teens' lives, from lower levels of depression and addiction to higher happiness and life satisfaction.

God is at work. Our God is a God of hope who works all things for the good of those who love him. He is faithful even when we fail, and he can use our hardships and struggles to grow endurance, character, and hope in our teens' lives.

We can be hopeful because we're not alone, and our God is faithful. Let us not neglect this great hope we have in him as we raise our children.