6 Famous Broadway Shows That Were Panned By The Critics

6 `` Famous Broadway Shows That Were Panned By The Critics ''

  1. Title: 10 Oklahoma!

Oklahoma!, one of the most groundbreaking musicals of the last century, opened on Broadway to near-universal acclaim in 1943. A 2019 revival of the show, directed by Daniel Fish, was not so fortunate, receiving largely negative reviews. The revival was termed dark,” “terrifying” and even traumatizing” by some critics. The revamp included several gender swaps, different costuming, and a slower pace than the original, eschewing the joyous nature of the source material. It has been called a “travesty of a mockery of a sham” and there have even reports of audience members &#x201c�audibly vomiting.”

  1. Title: 9 Moulin Rouge!

Moulin Rouge! is a 2001 movie by Baz Luhrmann that premiered as a musical on Broadway in 2019. It is a jukebox musical, using many popular songs from the last 50 years rather than an original score. While the show is a dazzling spectacle, critics argued it lacked emotional depth and a compelling plot. Many lamented that the show seemed more focused on showcasing costumes and sets rather than telling the (rather thin) story of a writer falling in love with a courtesan. For many critics, the show was a failure because “it has no narrative drive.”

  1. Title: 8 Be More Chill

Be More Chill, originally a 2004 young adult novel, had a 2015 musical adaptation that became a viral hit. The show was praised for its catchy score and its relatable characters, especially for teens. But when it transferred to Broadway in 2020, it was panned by critics for its childish plot, poor writing, and repetition. With Broadway ticket sales largely dominated by tourists rather than locals, the show closed due to the pandemic and a lack of interest from audiences. It has gone on to become a cult classic, particularly among younger audiences who were introduced to the show as teens.

  1. Title: 7 Suessical The Musical

Suessical The Musical, which combined multiple Dr. Suess stories into one show, premiered on Broadway in 2000 and was panned by critics who called it confusing, overly long, and dull. Critics also lamented that the show couldn't decide if it was a children's show or for adults. It has found a greater appreciation later as a staple of elementary school performances, where the plot is less of a concern for younger audiences.

  1. Title: 6 The Rocky Horror Show

The Rocky Horror Show, a stage musical adapted from the 1973 movie, received poor reviews when it premiered on Broadway in 1975. Critics called it &#x201ccampy trash,” &#x201ctasteless, plotless, and pointless,” and &#x201cfragmentary and forgettable.” Despite (or perhaps because of) these reviews, the show has become a cult classic, with midnight screenings still regularly attended by audiences who toss toast, rice, and toilet paper at the stage and shout loudly at the characters.

  1. Title: 5 Gigi

Gigi, a 2015 revival of the 1958 musical, starred Vanessa Hudgens and Corey Cott. Based on the reviews, you would never know its iconic status now. Critics called the show &#x201csanitized,&#x201d and &#x201eit has been scrubbed of anything even remotely naughty or distasteful.” Hudgens’ fanbase and the classic Broadway feel kept tourists coming, but critics felt the show was &#x201cruining its own legacy&#x201d by being too clean.

  1. Title: 3 Les Misérables

Les Misérables, which premiered on Broadway in 1985, was praised for its music and performances, it was criticized for not including enough from the source material (a 1,200-page book) and for being too long. It eventually became the second longest-running musical in the world, winning Best Musical at the Tony Awards.

  1. Title: 2 Merrily We Roll Along

Merrily We Roll Along, a musical by Stephen Sondheim, premiered on Broadway in 1981. It told the story of a group of friends from college to adulthood, but in reverse. Critics called the show boring and confusing, criticizing the jumping around in time so often. Audience members walked out, and critics called it &#x201cimprovidence.” It closed after 16 performances and was considered a massive flop. It has been revived in recent years, and that production is currently running on Broadway in 2023 to much critical acclaim. Critics have admitted that the odd style of the show and Sondheim’s complicated lyrics have grown more appreciated in the last few decades.

  1. Title: 1 Wicked

Wicked, a musical about the land of Oz, premiered on Broadway in 2003. While it was largely panned by critics, who called it &#x201cMSG-ification of the Oz franchise,&#x201d it has become a massive hit

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