Biden and Trump Campaign in Georgia as Biden Calls for Israel to 'Pay More Attention' to Innocent Lives Lost

() Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont Regarding the Crisis in Gaza and Potential Ceasefire (2:14) Interview with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York (4:11) Interview with Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Marco Rubio of Florida, Chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on Worldwide Threats to the United States (7:16)

This week on Face the Nation, moderated by Margaret Brennan:

Both presumed nominees turn the page to the general election, and President Biden steps up the pressure on Israel to tone down the violence in Gaza. Ahead of Tuesday's primary in a crucial general election battleground, President Biden and former President Trump both campaigned in Georgia Saturday night, a state that in the last presidential race went blue for the first time in nearly 30 years. (Begin VT) JOE BIDEN (PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES): Guys, you really want to do it again? (End VT) MARGARET BRENNAN: Seventy miles north of Biden's event, Trump said it was not fair to compare him to his opponent. (Begin VT) DONALD TRUMP (FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (R) AND CURRENT U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE): Two very unpopular people are running for office, very unpopular. I said, why am I unpopular? I just knocked off 12 people in the quickest time that it's ever happened. (End VT) MARGARET BRENNAN: That opponent, still riding away with positive reviews from his fiery State of the Union speech, leaned in to a tougher approach in the Israel-Hamas conflict, privately vowing a come-to-Jesus talk with Prime Minister Netanyahu. (Begin VT) PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN:He must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. He's hurting -- in my view, he's hurting Israel more than helping Israel. And I think it's a big mistake. So I want to see a cease-fire. (End VT) MARGARET BRENNAN: But will a call for a six-week cease-fire to start with be enough for the progressives in his party? We will ask Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Plus, we will talk with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries. Then: Could Americans dim assessment of the economy finally be looking up? We will hear from Gary Cohn, a former Trump economic adviser. Plus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairs Mark Warner and Marco Rubio join us to discuss the worldwide threats facing America. It's all just ahead on Face the Nation. Good morning, and welcome to Face the Nation. We are coming off a big week in politics. But there are challenges ahead, particularly with the war between Israel and Hamas reaching a critical point as the holy month of Ramadan begins. I do want to note that we have an extensive bipartisan conversation with the chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee. That will be coming up in a moment. But we'll begin with Senator Bernie Sanders from Burlington, Vermont. Good morning to you, Senator.

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS (I-Vermont): Good morning.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You have long been a critic of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The other night, President Biden was heard on a hot mic after the State of the Union address saying he has to have a come-to-Jesus talk with Netanyahu about letting humanitarian aid into Gaza. Have you spoken to President Biden about whether he's had this conversation? If he hasn't, what is he waiting for? And if he already had it, has it made any difference?

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: Well, I have spoken to people very high up in his administration. Here's the bottom line, Margaret. What we are seeing in Gaza today is literally an unprecedented crisis. It's not just that 30,000 people, two-thirds of whom are women and children, have already been killed. We are looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of children starving to death. The United States of America cannot be complicit in this mass slaughter of children. So it is one thing to talk to Netanyahu to pressure Netanyahu. But here is the bottom line. Year after year, we have provided billions of dollars in military aid to the government of Israel. Right now, you have a right-wing extremist government under Netanyahu. There are plans to provide him with another $10 billion in unfettered military aid. What you can't say to Netanyahu, stop the slaughter, allow the massive amounts of humanitarian aid that we need to come in to feed the children, please, please, please. Oh, but by the way, if you don't do it, here's another $10 billion to continue the war.



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