Biden trails Trump nationally on Memorial Day, despite lead in 2023

Former President Donald Trump holds a national lead over President Joe Biden, reversing his lead from Memorial Day 2023, according to a recent survey. The survey, conducted by Morning Consult, Quinnipiac University, and RMG Research, found that Biden held a narrow lead over Trump during the summer of 2023. However, Fast forward to 2024, and Trump now holds a lead over Biden, boasting an 8-point edge in one survey.

This reversal reflects a shift in voter sentiment over the past year. Americans have blamed Biden for the sluggish Main Street economy and seemingly endless migration, while Trump's recent indictments have given him a boost in the eyes of some voters.

Several political variables have entered the picture since last May, including Hamas' attack on Israel, which Democrats soured on Biden handling. Moreover, the southern border has become a significant issue among voters.

While Biden's approval rating has remained below 40% since 2022, Trump's popularity has seen an upturn, with more voters regarding him as a "safe choice" and approving of his handling of the economy.

The next six months will be crucial, with debates, conventions, and ongoing political trials unfolding. The outcome of Trump's criminal trial and Hunter Biden's potential gun and tax violations trial could significantly impact the political landscape. Additionally, the possibility of a "black swan event" or unexpected October surprises could further shift voter sentiment.

Wendell Husebo, a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst, notes that while Trump appears to hold all the momentum on Memorial Day, the Democrats and administrative state will not back down in the upcoming battles.

This developing story reflects the dynamic and ever-changing nature of political elections.

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