Biden's Education Department Keeps FAFSA Secrets From Students, Crippling Their Ability To Choose The Right College

As one of the biggest decisions of a young person's life, choosing a college affects future career prospects and financial outcomes for years to come. Each year, millions of students rely on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine how they will afford college.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration has failed to provide the resources and support necessary for students to make informed decisions about their education. Despite legislation passed in 2020 to streamline the FAFSA process with the intention of making financial aid more accessible, the Department of Education has failed to implement these crucial reforms in a timely manner.

The Department of Education has prioritized implementing loans schemes that burden Americans who chose not to attend college or already worked to pay off their loans. Instead of focusing on making education more accessible, these schemes only serve to transfer the burden of student debt onto individuals.

Recently, the Department of Education has come under fire for its mismanagement of the FAFSA. The delayed implementation of the FAFSA reforms has resulted in high school counselors, colleges, and students being left in the dark, with no guidance on how to proceed with financial aid applications.

As a result, students are being expected to make one of the most significant decisions of their lives without complete information, leading many to forgo college altogether because they cannot choose a school without knowing their eligibility for student aid. In response, Republicans have submitted a request to the Government Accountability Office for an investigation into the department's mishandling of FAFSA.

Congress must hold the Biden administration accountable for these failures and ensure FAFSA operates properly so students can access the financial aid they need to achieve their dreams of attending college.

The writer of this article, Bill Cassidy, is a senior United States senator from Louisiana. Would you like me to expand on any of the information provided?

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