Biden's Step in Gaza is a Huge Leap Towards War

The recent decision by the Biden administration to hand the Gaza port initiative to Qatar, effectively handing it to Hamas, has far-reaching repercussions. This small step by the Biden administration is a huge leap towards total war. It has been reported that Hamas is attempting to seize control of the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip. Efforts are being made to secure the population to maintain its rule and grip on the populace. These efforts are supported by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Hamas' efforts, assisted by UNRWA, to seize control of the humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip have been reported. It is done discreetly by coordinating with the Hamas police, as admitted by UN officials.

Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, acknowledged that the UN coordinates with the "Blue Police," the Hamas police. Hamas is attempting to conceal its involvement in the delivery of aid to maintain its control over the Gaza Strip. It uses proxies such as the Popular Defense Committees, which are subordinate to the Hamas Interior Ministry. The Biden administration's decision to hand the Gaza port initiative to Qatar, effectively to Hamas, is a demonstration of American weakness and a betrayal of its allies, Israel, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. This will breed violence and set off a total war against Israel and the USA just before the election. All anti-US forces will likely think that this is their time and chance to engage. Russia will expand its war in Ukraine, with open threats about a nuclear war if NATO reacts. China will also escalate its pressure against Taiwan and the Philippines in the South China Sea. Israel and the USA failures in Gaza will set off a total war just before the election. Alexander Kedar is an Israeli historian, specializing in the social and intellectual history of the Middle East and Islamic world, especially Libya and Yemen. He is currently a lecturer at the Middle East Studies Department, Ariel University, Israel.