Car Manufacturers' Electric Vehicle Sales Revealed In New Report

In a new report, CleanTechnica reveals the top 15 global electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers for 2023, breaking down the leaders in electric vehicle sales by brand and alliance.

The report shows that Chinese brand BYD retained its position as the world's top seller of electric vehicles for the second year in a row, with 22% of the market. However, its lead over nearest competitor Tesla narrowed to 8.8% compared to 13.2% in 2022. Volkswagen Group ranked third, followed by a rising Geely-Volvo alliance in fourth place, with 6.8% of the market.

The report also highlights the rankings for the best-selling electric vehicle models, which saw the Tesla Model Y claim the top spot, followed by the BYD Dongfengentriesion, SAIC's MG 5, and the BMW i3.

Looking ahead to 2024, the report predicts that Tesla's sales will remain steady, with a projected total of 2.1-2.2 million units sold. While Volkswagen Group is unlikely to launch any new models that could significantly boost sales, the report suggests that the introduction of the VW ID.2 could push the company's sales onto a faster track, potentially reaching 2.5 million units in 2026.

The report concludes by noting that while Tesla's dominance in the EV market is likely to continue for the next few years, the company will need to introduce new products to maintain its position long-term. Conversely, legacy automakers like Volkswagen Group are well-positioned to survive the transition to electric vehicles, thanks to their strong brands and innovative new products.

With the global electric vehicle market set to grow exponentially in the coming years, the report suggests that we can expect further growth and competition from new entrants and established brands alike.

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