Cardinal Mueller Calls Pope Francis' 'Homosexual Blessings' an Attack on Marriage

The newest addition to the progressive agenda being pushed within the Roman Catholic Church is allegedly nothing more than a shrewd PR move aimed at placating the LGBT movement and silencing critics, according to Cardinal Gerhard Müller. In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Müller stated that the recently unveiled document Fiducia Supplicans was a "heavy strike against matrimony," and that any notion of same-sex marriage or blessings is a direct contradiction of God's will.

The German cardinal, who is also the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, went on to explain that behind Fiducia Supplicans "there is nothing to do with the pastoral [care] for these persons of so-called same-sex attraction," but is rather a propaganda trick to win support from the LGBT movement. He criticized bishops who have embraced Fiducia Supplicans and called for the normalization of same-sex blessings, stating that they have "no theology of the Catholic theology" and that "the bishops and the Pope are not the saviors of the world."

Müller's critique of Fiducia Supplicans and the growing push for same-sex blessings within the Church comes several months after he condemned the idea in September 2023, prior to the document's publication. He argued that same-sex blessings are a direct contradiction of God's word and will, and that ecclesiastical officials who support the normalization of same-sex blessings have "lost their authority."

When asked what this means for Catholic parishioners in affected dioceses, Müller did not mince words, emphasizing that Catholics should contradict their bishops on this issue and explain that they are not the serfs of the bishop. He emphasized that Jesus Christ, not Church authorities, is the ultimate authority.

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