Exploring 'beforeUnmount' and 'unmounted' Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks for Cleanup and Interaction


In the second part of our exploration into Vue.js lifecycle hooks, we focus on the 'beforeUnmount' and 'unmounted' hooks, which are crucial opportunities for developers to perform cleanup tasks and interact with components just before or after they are removed from the DOM. These hooks ensure graceful transitions and enhance the overall user experience in Vue.js applications.

'beforeUnmount' Hook

The 'beforeUnmount' hook is triggered just before a component is removed from the DOM and enables developers to perform last-minute manipulations or retrieve information from the component.

Example 1: Alerting Before Unmount

In this example, the 'beforeUnmount' hook is used to alert the content of a specific element within the component before it is unmounted.

  <p ref="pEl">Strawberries!</p>

beforeUnmount() {
  const pEl = this.$refs.pEl;

Example 2: Dynamic Button Text

The 'beforeUnmount' hook can also be used to dynamically change the text of a button based on whether the component is mounted or not.

  <h1>Lifecycle Hooks</h1>
  <button @click="toggleComponent">{{ btnText }}</button>

data() {
  return {
    btnText: 'Toggle Component',
    activeComp: true,
methods: {
  toggleComponent() {
    this.activeComp = !this.activeComp;
beforeUnmount() {
  this.btnText = 'Component Unmounted';

'unmounted' Hook

The 'unmounted' hook is called after a component has been removed from the DOM and serves as a final opportunity to perform cleanup actions, such as removing event listeners or clearing intervals.

Example 3: Alert on Unmount

In this example, the 'unmounted' hook is used to display an alert popup box when the component is unmounted.

  <p>When this component is removed from the DOM tree, the unmounted() function is called, and we can add code to that function.</p>

unmounted() {
  alert('Component successfully unmounted!');

Example 4: Visualizing Unmounting

The 'unmounted' hook can be used in conjunction with CSS transitions to create a visual effect when a component is unmounted.

  <h1>Lifecycle Hooks</h1>
  <button @click="toggleComponent">{{ btnText }}</button>

data() {
  return {
    btnText: 'Toggle Component',
    activeComp: true,
methods: {
  toggleComponent() {
    this.activeComp = !this.activeComp;
unmounted() {
  // Add the CSS class to create a visual effect during unmounting

.fade-out {
  transition: opacity 0.5s;
  opacity: 0;

Reinforcement Exercises

  1. Create a Vue component with a dynamic list of items that updates every 5 seconds. Use the 'beforeUnmount' hook to alert the user about the number of items they will lose if they decide to leave the page before unmounting the component.
  2. Develop a Vue component that utilizes the 'unmounted' hook to clean up a child component that the user interacts with. When the child component is unmounted, ensure that any event listeners or specific actions triggered by the child component are appropriately cleaned up.
  3. Design a Vue component with a collapsible menu that uses the 'beforeUnmount' hook to save the menu's active state before it is unmounted. When the component is re-mounted, restore the active state to match the last active menu item.

This concludes our two-part exploration into Vue.js lifecycle hooks. These insightful examples and exercises should strengthen your knowledge of managing component lifecycles effectively in Vue.js applications.

Let me know if you would like to explore any specific Vue.js topics or have any other questions.

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