Instagram Adds More Options to Control Comments Experience

Instagram is updating its comments moderation tools to provide more control over the comments experience, both for users and creators.

Instagram Head Adam Mosseri announced the upgrade in a blog post, stating that the platform wants to "help people feel more safe, supported, and comfortable" expressing themselves. The new features are optional, and creators can decide if and when to use them based on their preferences. The goal is to give creators additional flexibility in curating their comments sections and reduce the toxicity and negativity that can sometimes permeate these interactions.

Key additions to the comments moderation tools include:

  • Cruelty Filters: When enabled, comments will be filtered so that they are positive or at least not negative or offensive. This filter will take into consideration both the content of the comment and the relationship between the commenter and the creator. So, for example, comments that appear to be targeted at the creator from someone they don't follow, or comments that come from a "recent staker" will be filtered.
  • Spam Filtering: This takes spam comments that look similar to other comments that have been flagged and removed. Instagram already employs spam protection by default, and this adds an additional level to capture spam comments before they are even posted.
  • Keyword Filters: This allows creators to specify specific words or phrases they would like to prohibit in the comments section. Users trying to post comments with these keywords will not be able to do so if they are flagged as inappropriate.

In addition to these new tools, Instagram is also updating its existing moderation tools, such as the Hidden Words feature, to make them easier and more intuitive to use. Hidden Words allows creators to mass delete comments and block users who have posted them. They can also choose to review these comments before blocking or deleting them. Creators can access these new moderation tools in a new Comments Control section under Settings in Instagram.

Instagram hopes that these additional comments moderation tools will provide creators with more freedom to foster an encouraging environment in their comments sections and empower them to express themselves more comfortably on the platform.

These updates follow the recent rollout of Instagram's Parental Controls, which allow parents and guardians to set limits on how long their teens can use the app and control who can message them directly. These features are a part of Meta's broader effort to improve the overall safety of its platforms.

Meta continues to face scrutiny and criticism over teen safety and privacy issues and the impact of its apps on youth mental health. The company has rolled out a series of updates aimed at improving safety and providing better control for users, particularly teens, over the past year. if you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to ask.

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