Mad Men Reunion Recapitalized in Unfrosted

Mad Men Reunion Recapitalized in Unfrosted

The Unfrosted trailer caught many people's attention, including yours truly, and two things stuck out to me. The first was the comedy tonal madhouse that this film was going to be, and the second was the potential for a Mad Men reunion in some form or another. Well, the madhouse tone is absolutely there and the Mad Men reunion also came to fruition, and it was so delightfully done that I needed to ask the brains behind it all, Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan.

The scene in question features John Slattery (Roger Sterling) and Jon Hamm (Don Draper) appearing in a Pop Tart pitch meeting in the style of Mad Men. For Seinfeld, the reunion was a long time coming, as he divulged to CinemaBlend:

"I'm friends with both of those guys. That was the secret handshake of the whole thing, I know them both."

It turns out that it wasn't too difficult to get the actors to agree to the reunion, but clearing the characters was another story.

"But that took a couple phone calls."

Apparently, there were some trademark issues to work through, but the reference to the characters was intentionally vague. In the end, Hamm and Slattery are credited as Ad Man #1 and Ad Man #2 respectively in the credits, but the likeness to the Mad Men characters is unmistakable.

For Gaffigan, the question of whether the actors would be able to reprise their roles without issue was also a concern:

"Jim Gaffigan: Also asking someone who's done these iconic characters are they gonna be ok to do that?Jerry Seinfeld: Yeah. It wasn't that bad. It was a really long shot, to be honest with you, because Matthew Weiner is [a] very highly respective guy. For example, if someone wanted to take two characters from my TV series, and put it in their movie, that wouldn't happen.

But the Mad Men reunion was not the only wildcard bit of cameos in the film, as Unfrosted is littered with surprising references.