Navigating Cancer Takes Hope, Biden Says After King Charles III Diagnosis

Biden says navigating cancer takes hope, as King Charles III reveals he is undergoing treatment for the disease. The King, 72, assured the public that his illness would not stop him from performing his royal duties. Biden, who has survived two brain tumors and a series of other health scares, said he and the president believe that cancer research and treatment are some of the most promising areas of innovation.

The president has taken significant steps to bolster investments in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research, signing the historic PAVE Act into law to help address cancer-causing pollutants in drinking water, and creating the first-ever national cancer moon shoot to accelerate research on childhood cancers, among other actions.

Meanwhile, Biden urged Americans to "think of all the other freedoms that you have, the extraordinary freedoms that you have, that you can appreciate and help other people and do things, and you can laugh, and you can hug, and you can do all those things."

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