'New X-Men' – What Do We Know So Far?

Last year, the last couple of weeks of August, everything changed for the X-Men at Marvel. In the wake ofNullifiers attacking Krakoa, the resurrection protocols were shut off, and several important characters were resurrected, including Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Wolverine's clone, X-23. But perhaps the most significant change was the inclusion of four new X-Men teams, all of which have a very distinct mission and focus.

Several of these teams already have their debut issues out, but what do we know about the new X-Men so far? Here's a quick rundown:

  • X-Men Red stronghold: Led by Storm, the X-Men Red team is geared towards protecting the future of mutantkind. The team consists of Havok, Scout,586, Bonebreaker, and Inventor. They made their debut in X-Men Red #1, which was released in December 2023.
  • X-Force: The X-Force team focuses on proactive mutant protection, and it is led by Domino. The team consists of Cannonball, temporal mutant Tempo, and the new Wolfsbane. They made their debut in X-Force #1, which was released in December 2023.
  • Jean Grey School for Higher Learning: The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning is a new iteration of the former school, which was destroyed in the early days of the Krakoa era. The new school is led by former Xavier Institute headmistress Kitty Pryde and is geared towards educating the next generation of mutants. The team consists of Former X-Men Blue team members Idie Okonkwo, Wolf Cub, and Rockslide. They made their debut in X-Men Classix #1, which was released in December 2023.
  • Marauders: The Marauders are a new take on the classic X-Men villain team, and they are led by Kate Pryde. The team consists of Former X-Men Gold team members Storm, Sunfire, and Jubilee. They made their debut in Marauders #1, which was released in December 2023.

These new teams have already been active in the pages of various X-Men titles, and they will continue to play a significant role in the future of the franchise. With the resurrection protocols now back online, it will be interesting to see how these teams evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of the X-Men universe.

As with all things Marvel, it's best to stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. While no one is spilling anything yet about the future of the X-Men, fans are on the edge of their seats to find out more.

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