News Digest: Helpers, Politics, and 2024 Predictions

Trump (R)

  • "Most voters in new poll see Trump hush money charges as serious" – A Reuters/Ipsos poll has found that 64% of registered voters see the charges in the New York case as "somewhat serious", while 34% said the case "lacks seriousness". The case is set to go to trial on Monday, marking the first criminal trial of a former US president.
  • "Trump, RFK Jr. and the Disillusioned Black Voter" – A Morning Consult survey has shown that the share of the black vote with a favorable view of RFK Jr. has climbed to 51% (from 38% in previous polling) after his choice of Shanahan as his running mate. This reflects a deep disaffection with the state of the economy as it relates to their everyday lives, and a shift away from partisan voting.
  • "Democrats nervous Trump wooing centrists from Biden" – Sources within the Democratic party are increasingly nervous that Trump will attract centrist voters away from Biden with his recent decision to not back a 15-week abortion ban, instead advocating for the issue to be left to the states.
  • "Arizona bombshell tests Trump's abortion gamble" – One day after Trump declared that abortion should be left to the states, the Arizona Supreme Court revived an 1864 law effectively banning all abortions, with exceptions only to save the mother's life. This has been interpreted as a massive political gift to Democrats, who will use it to highlight the consequences of Trump's abortion position.
  • "Trump, Biden: The two presidents" – An infographic comparing the current and previous presidents, from their respective census updates to their number of judicial appointments.

Biden (D)

  • "Klain on Biden: He is focused too much on bridges" – Biden adviser Klain has stated that the president is "out there too much talking about bridges", and should focus more on other issues.
  • "Biden is building a behemoth of a campaign. Trump at this point seems to be playing catch-up" – Biden has significantly outsraised Trump, with $71 million compared to Trump's $29 million, and has three times as many paid staff across nine states.

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