NYT's Alexandra Berzon goes from bad reporter to biased journalist with single hit piece

Last year, self-proclaimed "election denier movement" reporter for the New York Times, Alexandra Berzon, wrote a hit piece on the non-partisan Michigan election integrity group, Michigan Fair Elections (MFE). Now, it appears she is focusing her anti-election integrity efforts on a separate Michigan-based group, Check My Vote (CMV).

In her latest emails seen by TGP, Berzon admits to creating a story that hasn't been published yet. Her story is based on the voter challenge efforts of CMV and the MFE Soles to the Rolls projects. CMV is a volunteer organization that works to clean up their state's Qualified Voter File (QVF). QVFs are lists of eligible voters used by election officials. The CMV program looks for addresses with an unusually high number of registered voters as well as small discrepancies like missing apartment numbers.

One of the email exchanges involves Jane Iyer, Livingston County Republican Party Secretary, and Genesee County lead for CMV. Berzon contacted Iyer for information on CMV and their efforts on voter challenges. Iyer pointed out that CMV works with the Michigan GOP and that MFE does not work with the Michigan GOP.

In her pre-publication story, Berzon claims that MFE has been working with CMV. Phani Mantravadi, a CMV developer and designer, responded to Berzon's questions in an email exchange seen by TGP. When asked if MFE worked with the Michigan GOP, Phani clarified that MFE did not work with the MIGOP but did work on the MFE Soles to Rolls project.

Mantravadi responded to other questions asked by Berzon, clarifying that CMV is a bipartisan organization that works to follow Michigan law. He also pointed out that the clerk had made a mistake regarding the cost of sending certified mail and the contention of a meeting, which had been mixed up with an election commission meeting.

In her pre-publication story, Berzon claims that Iyer had explained that their program looked for addresses with an unusually high number of registered voters and small discrepancies like missing apartment numbers. Phani responded to this clarifying that the CMV website could provide data on each Michigan registration and that it does not "look for" high numbers of registered voters. He pointed out that missing apartment numbers and trailer park numbers are not small discrepancies but rather incomplete registrations.

Last year, in her first hit piece, Berzon wrote about MFE, "Someone with access to video and audio recordings of the calls shared them with The Times. Several participants confirmed the material's authenticity." However, in her pre-publication story, she claims that Phani confirmed the authenticity of the material in her upcoming piece.

TGP commented that Berzon surely knows MFE is a non-partisan group, but it appears she is setting a trap for the CMV founders, hoping they will say that the MFE group works with the Michigan GOP in violation of their non-partisan status. Sadly, it appears that Berzon will publish her hit piece on CMV with inaccuracies and omit vital details.

Unfortunately, it appears that Berzon is more focused on infiltrating and demonizing election integrity groups rather than the Democrat SOS Jocelyn Benson, who is making it easier to cheat in elections in the state of Michigan.

In a recent article by TGP, it was revealed that SOS Benson mailed 7.7 million unsolicited absentee ballot applications, told clerks across Michigan to ignore signature matching on absentee ballots, and allowed ballots to be turned in at polling places on election day despite the violation of chain of custody.

In her hit piece on MFE, Berzon blames President Trump for the majority of Americans who, after 2020, no longer trust elections. Title: NYT's Alexandra Berzon goes from bad reporter to biased journalist with single hit piece