Olivia Rodrigo Partners with Abortion Fund to Distribute Emergency Contraception at Concerts

Unfortunately, this is true. The Missouri Abortion Fund was present at singer Olivia Rodrigo's concert in St. Louis on Tuesday to distribute various items regarding abortion access, including QR codes and stickers with phrases like, "Funding Abortion? It's a good idea, right?" Doses of "Julie" emergency contraception were also distributed, and other reports state that condoms were also given. It should be noted that the abortion pill, mifepristone, is a different drug than "Julie," which contains levonorgestrel. Despite the FDA's current description of levonorgestrel as solely preventing pregnancy by preventing ovulation, questions remain about its true mechanisms.

Rodrigo's young teen and child fans pose a problem for the distribution of this sexual health information, as the singer and the abortion fund group are openly promoting sex among young people with their items. The singer is also donating proceeds from her tour to the National Network of Abortion Funds, which provides money for women to travel to other states for abortions.

This information can be verified through the following sources:

Live Action News, March 14, 2024, by Nancy Flanders, "Olivia Rodrigo Partners with Abortion Fund to Distribute Emergency Contraception at Concerts," https://www.liveactionnews.com/olivia-rodrigo-partners-abortion-fund-distribute-emergency-contraception-concerts/

X, Missouri Abortion Fund, "It's brutal out here in Missouri, but we are here for abortion access and hand out Plan B with Text Right By You," posted at oliviarodrigo.com

FDA, "Levonorgestrel," in FDA Drug Safety Communication: New Safety Information about Emergency Contraceptives and Pregnancy, July 8, 2011, https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/postmarketdrugsafetyinformationforpatientsandproviders/ucm239907.htm

CNN, "Olivia Rodrigo meets President Biden, Kamala Harris, and Dr. Fauci to discuss youth COVID-19 vaccinations," July 13, 2021, https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/13/politics/olivia-rodrigo-meets-biden-harris-fauci/index.html

YouTube, "Glastonbury Festival 2022: Lily Allen & Olivia Rodrigo Perform 'F**kin' Hell,' " June 27, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k18BJDS2Wk&ab_channel=GlastonburyFestival

Free Republic, "Olivia Rodrigo Partners with Abortion Fund to Distribute Emergency Contraception at Concerts," March 14, 2024, https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3758255/posts

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