Online Travel Agency Sector Set to Benefit as Holidaymakers Seek International Getaways

Travel Industry Set to Recover as Holidaygoers Seek International Getaways

The online travel industry is set to benefit from the rebound of international travel amid heightened consumer demand. Following a decline during the COVID-19 pandemic, online travel agencies (OTAs) could soon experience a resurgence, according to a report by research firm techARC.

The report indicates that platforms catering to airline and hotel bookings, such as MakeMyTrip and Cleartrip, will receive a boost in their revenue. This is thanks to a significant increase in airline and hotel bookings, as well as inquiries, from domestic and international destinations.

Rise in Travel Searches and Bookings Reflects Returning Confidence in Travel

The research examined recent trends in travel-related searches on online platforms and concluded that there has been a significant uptick in inquiries and bookings. This is a strong indicator of resilience within the industry, especially regarding international travel.

Following the pandemic, there has been a noticeable trend of people planning trips outside of their respective countries. Notably, domestic travelers in India are increasingly looking to travel to international destinations like Dubai, Bangkok, and Singapore. This presents a significant shift in behavior compared to the patterns observed during the peak of the pandemic when lockdowns restricted travel.

Influence of Social Media and Personal Connections Driving Travel Choices

The resurgence in travel is also notable in Generation Z and millennial travelers, who are increasingly influenced by social media and personal connections in their choice of travel destinations. This suggests that online platforms play a significant role in inspiring and facilitating travel plans, ranging from initial research and booking to sharing experiences on social media after the trip.

Potential Challenges and Opportunities for the Industry

While the recovery suggests opportunities for growth in the online travel industry, it is worth noting that certain challenges still exist. These include concerns over rising inflation and fuel prices, which might impact travel plans and preferences.

Additionally, there is a potential for OTAs to capitalize on the growing interest in unique and exotic travel destinations. This presents an opportunity to offer customized packages and promotions tailored to individual preferences.


The research by techARC provides a promising outlook for the online travel industry, indicating a sustained recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift in traveler preferences, influenced by social media and aspirations for unique experiences, could contribute to growth opportunities for OTAs and other industry players.

By meeting the evolving demands of travelers and addressing potential challenges, online travel agencies can thrive in the evolving marketplace and enhance customer experiences.

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