Private moon lander 'Odysseus' tipped on its side but 'alive and well'

The private lunar lander Odysseus is "alive and well" after landing on the Moon, but it ended up resting on its side instead of standing upright as intended, according to data analyzed by flight engineers at Intuitive Machines, the Houston-based company that designed and launched the vehicle. The lander's final descent appeared to have been complicated by one of its six landing legs catching on the Moon's surface, causing the vehicle to tip over and come to rest sideways, propped up on a rock. Despite the unexpected position, Intuitive Machines CEO Stephen Altemus said that all indications are that the lander is stable and close to its intended landing site near the Malapert A crater in the Moon's south pole region. He added that communication has been established with the lander, and mission control operators are sending commands to the vehicle. Photos from the surface are expected to be released shortly. The touchdown marked the first privately-funded landing on the Moon, and the first from the US since the 1970s.

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