Should You Trust Your Gut? Here's What the Research Says

At face value, intuition appears to be a less rigorous way of making decisions. However, research suggests that intuition is an elegant, fine-tuned, and rapid form of perception that we are wired for and that can help us make better decisions.

Intuition is more likely to be activated when the brain is in a meditative state of mind, and practices such as meditation, time off, being in nature, and breathing can help cultivate this state.

This less cognitive form of intuition is akin to hyperawareness, which involves becoming an acute observer and noticing deviations from the norm in your environment. In contrast, more emotional intuition is experienced as a gut feeling, something "feeling right" or "feeling off."

CEOs rely on intuition when making decisions, and research supports its effectiveness. Staff Sergeant Martin Ritchburg's life-saving hunch while speaking with his wife at an Iraqi Internet cafe illustrates the potential power of intuition in extreme situations. To make the most of intuition, it is essential to acknowledge it and learn to trust it.

Interviewing Lynn Tilton, the Turnaround Queen, author Emma Sepp&aelock;l&aelock; observed that intuition without intellect is like buying a plane without propulsion. Tilton's successful career turning around failed companies illustrates the importance of combining intuition and analysis to make effective decisions.

Ultimately, research suggests that intuition is a powerful tool that can enhance decision-making in various contexts. Combining intuition and analysis, trusting your instincts, and learning to recognize and act on intuitive insights can help you make better decisions and take decisive action in the moment.

As with any skill, intuition requires practice and patience to develop fully. Still, it is a valuable tool that can benefit anyone willing to listen to and trust their instincts.

Emma Sepp&aelock;l&aelock; acknowledges in her book Sovereign that while intuition should not be ignored, it must be combined with analysis to make effective decisions in business and life. This combination of intuition and intellect, alongside practices that activate intuitive insights, can help you make better decisions and trust your instincts more reliably.

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