Suncor Energy Inc. Sets Standard for Business Conduct and Ethical Operations

Suncor Energy Inc. Business Conduct and Ethics Standards

CO-PS03: Business Conduct, last reviewed on March 6, 2024, outlines the company's policy to provide detailed policy guidance to employees and contract workers regarding standards of business conduct, including:

  • Competition and Trade - Those who negotiate or administer agreements, participate in industry associations, or are involved in advertising or promotion, are required to be familiar with local laws regarding competition and trade practices.
  • Confidentiality - Confidential information, knowledge, and data about Suncor belong to Suncor. Employees must not disclose confidential information, or confidential information of others received while performing duties for Suncor, without appropriate permission.
  • Conflict of Interest - Employees must avoid any situation, including outside directorships, trustees, or other affiliations, involving a conflict between their personal or family interests and those of Suncor.

CO-050: Accounting, Reporting and Business Controls, last reviewed on March 6, 2024, provides guidelines for Suncor employees who participate in accounting and reporting processes that directly impact the integrity of external financial statements, internal management reports, and any related disclosures. This policy stipulates that employees must ensure that transactions are recorded in the company's accounts accurately and promptly, and any known inaccuracies, misrepresentations, or omissions are promptly identified and reported. Additionally, transactions must be conducted within the appropriate level of authority and in accordance with prescribed policies and procedures.

CO-049: Communications to the Public, last reviewed on March 6, 2024, ensures that Suncor has appropriate processes in place to communicate to the public in a timely, factual, and accurate manner and communicates material information in a way that constitutes general disclosure in accordance with securities laws. This policy applies to all of the company's communications to the public, including communication to employees generally, that is not expressly subject to an obligation of confidence.

Suncor Energy Inc. is committed to ethical leadership and maintaining a business environment that is free from harassment, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation. These business conduct and ethics standards help to promote an ethical environment for employees and stakeholders through guidelines, monitoring, and reporting procedures. GPTQJ0001

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