Super Bowl lures brands with female power surge

The upcoming Super Bowl LVII on February 12 has attracted a plethora of advertisers hoping to capitalize on the massive audience that the championship game attracts. This year, advertisers are taking a different approach focusing on women and various female-oriented products.

The pricey advertising surge is attributed to the rumored attendance of Taylor Swift, who is in a relationship with a star player of the Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce. Industry experts believe that Swift's presence at the event could dramatically change the demographic landscape of the Super Bowl.

This year's Super Bowl ads are a stark contrast to those in the past, which featured women in less powerful roles as a secondary character or an object of desire. This year, women are front and center in many ads, with companies like M&Ms and Oatly featuring women in stronger roles.

The high cost of advertising during the Super Bowl is countered by the unparalleled audience and media attention the event receives. This year, the game is projected to have an estimated TV audience of more than 100 million viewers.

Despite performing in Japan the day before, Taylor Swift is expected to make an appearance at the Super Bowl LVII.

The presence of Swift at the sporting event has prompted a surge in advertisers hoping to capitalize on the potential increase in female viewership. Previous studies have shown that Swift's concerts and events tend to attract a female-heavy audience.

Only time will tell whether the strategic moves of advertisers will pay off during the highly anticipated Super Bowl LVII.

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