The American Experiment and the Rise of Conspiracy Ideas in Phoenix

Phoenix: A City Built on Artifice and Fragility

In the desert outskirts of Phoenix, an enigmatic civilization once thrived. The Hohokam Indians, with their advanced knowledge of irrigation and engineering, carved canals and sustained their culture for a millennium. However, societal conflicts and environmental challenges like drought led to their civilization's collapse, leaving behind only fragments of their legacy.

This fragility of human civilization is a recurring theme in Phoenix, especially amid the combined forces of natural elements and human actions. Today, Phoenix, known for its bustling metroplex and innovative developments, also exemplifies the fragility of democratic institutions amidst political extremism and conspiracism.

The Conscience of Rusty Bowers: An Untold Political Tale

Amid the political and social upheaval of the 2020s, Rusty Bowers, a legislative leader from Mesa, Arizona, stands out for his attempts to preserve democratic values and defend his decisions with a deeply held moral compass. Bowers, who was raised as a Mormon, recalls a prophetic statement made in the 1920s by the leader of his church, predicting that Phoenix would one day face water scarcity and struggle to sustain its population.

Bowers' journey of political leadership, including his tenure as speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, is marked by a commitment to doing what he believes is right, even if it means defying the increasingly radical elements within the Republican Party. This stands in stark contrast to many Republican officials who prioritize party loyalty over moral compasses. Despite being targeted by protesters and facing intense pressure from Trump and his allies, Bowers refused to endorse a pro-Trump slate of electors in the 2020 election, citing his oath to the Constitution and his belief that the party's conspiracy theories were unfounded.

The turbulent aftermath of the 2020 election highlights the divisive forces within American politics and the vulnerability of democratic institutions to paranoia and conspiracy. As the country approaches the 2024 presidential election, the lessons learned from Bowers' story and the fragility of civilization in Phoenix become more relevant than ever.

Title: What Will Become of American Civilization? Conspiracism and hyper-partisanship in the nation's fastest-growing city

By George Packer Photographs by Ashley Gilbertson

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