The Importance of Website Speed: Statistics, Facts, and Optimisation

Despite the size of a website, owners prioritize faster loading times to enhance user experience. Websites that load quickly attract more visitors and retain them longer. For this reason, website developers are continually researching the best practices to optimize website speed and performance. These are some essential website speed statistics for 2024.

Only the top 20% of websites record a server response time below 312ms.

Digital minutes in Indonesia are mostly spent on mobile devices (91%).

Only 15% of websites have acceptable loading times.

46% of websites load in around 6-10 seconds.

Large web pages take 381% more time to load than smaller web pages.

The fastest load times worldwide are found in China, Japan, and Germany.

The slowest loading times for web pages were recorded in Australia, India, and Brazil.

50.6% of customers often blame poor internet connection for loading delays before blaming the websites.

45% of 18-24-year-olds give a website up to six seconds to load before they abandon it.

The average page loading time for desktops is 10.3 seconds.

Mobile minutes spent online made up 775 of online time in the US in 2019.

Most users think they are more patient with website loading when, in reality, they are not.

85% of mobile users expect websites they use to load at the same speed or faster on desktops.

64% of smartphone users expect a mobile website to load within four seconds.

Most websites load slower on mobile devices.

The average webpage takes 87.84% longer to load on a mobile device than a desktop.

Page size is more important for mobile devices than desktop devices.

60% of visits to pet and animal websites are done on mobile devices.

Career and education websites receive fewer page views from mobile devices.

The health sector has one of the highest bounce rates on mobile devices.

Finance websites record the lowest bounce rate for mobile and desktops.

The garden industry suffers a high bounce rate from desktop users.

Technology websites record the longest loading times.

Classified and listing websites record the shortest loading times.

Luxury websites have improved their loading times by 0.1 seconds.

In 2021, an average mobile webpage took 15.3 seconds to load.

The average page loading time recorded for desktops is 10.3 seconds.

The Time-to-First Byte speed ratio is 1.29 seconds on a desktop device.

The optimal request count is considered to be less than 50.

Google states that compressing website images and text for about a quarter of a page could save 250 KB.

Google will lose 20% of its traffic for every 100ms it takes for each page to load.

WordPress has one of the lowest page loading times on mobile devices.

25.3% of WordPress websites are believed to perform higher than average on desktop devices.

38.55% of WordPress websites likely perform worse than average on desktop devices.

24.2% of WordPress websites are optimized for mobile devices and perform faster than the average website.

40.7% of WordPress websites are slower than average on mobile devices.

A 0.1-second boost in your website speed on mobile devices improves conversions by 8.4%.

A one-page loading delay can reduce page views on a website by up to 11%.

44% of customers will tell their direct contacts about a website's delayed loading time experience.

Each third-party script added to a website reduced the loading time by approximately 42.1ms.

A content delivery network significantly reduces loading times for a website on mobile and desktop devices.

Yahoo increased its website speed by 400% and recorded a 95% increase in traffic.

Etsy added 160kb to their mobile website. Consequently, after this addition, they recorded a 12% increase in their bounce rate.

46% of customers will never return to a website again if they experience poor loading time in the past.

When loading time rises from 1 to 10 seconds, the chance that a customer will abandon a website can increase by 123%. Overall, website speed is important for customer loyalty and business success. Customers are more likely to shop again on faster websites and recommend them to others. Additionally, faster websites can improve search engine optimization (SEO) and increase website traffic. Hopefully, these website speed statistics have helped you understand the importance of website speed. Remember, faster websites will attract more visitors and boost your bottom line. If you are looking to improve your website speed, consider using one of the many website speed optimization tools or a content delivery network (CDN). You may also want to consider hiring a website development company to help you optimize your website for speed and performance. With their help, you can ensure that your website is running at its peak performance and providing a seamless user experience for your customers. website speed statistics 2023, website loading time statistics 2023, website speed optimization statistics 2023, importance of website speed for seo 2023, website speed statistics 2023, website speed 2023, how important is website speed 2023, website speed tips 2023, site speed statistics 2023

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