The Siege of Repress U: How the Homeland Security Campus Was Built

The Siege of Repress U: How the Homeland Security Campus Was Built

In the wake of the growing movement amongst students against the Israeli apartheid, the government has shown its true colors by cracking down on any and all forms of protest. This was not solely in the form of violent attacks and intimidation, but also through a variety of other tactics targeted at curbing dissent. On some campuses, administrators and police alike collaborated to shut down speeches, screenings, and events which were either pro-Palestine or even anti-war in nature. These events were censored under the spurious justification of "promoting violence."

Not only this, but students who participated in these events have been expelled, suspended, or put on trial, with some even being arrested for merely expressing their opinions. These punishments have been used as a warning to any other students who may wish to join such causes in the future. This article explores these tactics in more detail and examines their impacts, not just on the students themselves, but on academia at large.

The article cites instances of repression and violence on college campuses, and the subsequent heavy-handed responses, as evidence of a broader, decades-long strategy of repression enacted by the federal government. The author offers a step-by-step guide to this strategy and concludes that the recent repression of campus protests is not an isolated phenomenon but rather the natural result of a systematic effort to suppress dissent.

The article concludes that this strategy has not only been successful but has also been embraced by the highest levels of government and that the repression of campus protests is likely to continue unless challenged.

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