The USA pulls back from the precipice

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The "revisionist Zionists" have responded to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza by attacking the UNRWA. They accused 0.04% of its staff of having taken part in the Flood of Al-Aqsa operation and blocked their bank accounts in Israel. UNRWA Director Philippe Lazzarini of Switzerland immediately suspended the 12 accused employees and ordered an internal investigation. Of course, he never received the proof the Israelis claimed to have, but one donor after another, led by the United States and the European Union, suspended funding. Within days in Gaza, and weeks in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, the United Nations aid system collapsed.As David Cameron, former British Prime Minister and current Foreign Secretary, visited Israel to discuss how to salvage what was left for the Palestinians, Amichai Chikli, Minister of the Diaspora, compared him to Neville Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler. "Hello to David Cameron, who wants to bring ’Peace to Our Time’ and give the Nazis, who committed the atrocities of October 7, a prize in the form of a Palestinian state as a sign of gratitude for the murder of babies in their cradles, the mass rapes and the abduction of mothers with their children," he declared. Meanwhile, the Jewish supremacist coalition began talking of a new phase of "Swords of Iron", this time against Rafah. Egypt set up a vast area of Sinai to house Gazans whose expulsion seemed inevitable.The USA pulled back from the precipice | 021Some claimed that the attacks were encouraged by "revisionist Zionists", but the USA assumed that they were not spontaneous and began deploying its logistics to create a floating island that could serve as a landing stage for international humanitarian aid to Gaza. In doing so, the Pentagon is taking up an idea put forward in 2017 by Israel Katz, current Minister of Foreign Affairs. The principle of a humanitarian naval corridor from Cyprus has already been agreed. It will be used by the United Arab Emirates and the European Union.Russia has invited sixty Palestinian political organizations to Moscow. It urged them to unite and convinced them to vote for a resolution in the Security Council. It is applying the same methods as it did with the coup against the government in Sudan, or the invasion of Ukraine.It's a kind of backlash to the way Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to deliver a speech before Congress against the advice of President Barack Obama, in 2015. The United States is keen to show that it is in charge and no one else. Washington then decided to radically change its policy. Until then, it had considered that it could not afford to let Israel lose. It had therefore supported its crime. Now, it could no longer afford to let the Jewish fascists win. The Biden Administration has therefore invited General Benny Gantz, the former alternative Prime Minister and since October 12 Minister without Portfolio, to consult in the United States, despite the opposition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s a kind of backlash to the way the latter was invited to deliver a speech before Congress against the advice of President Barack Obama, in 2015. The United States is keen to show that it is in charge and no one else.

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