The Week That Was: 2024-02-03 (February 3, 2024)

This week we bring you a range of different topics from a variety of sources.

Firstly, an essay by physician-scientist Daniel Nebert, published in American Thinker, which presents the argument that the climate crisis is a fairy tale. Meteorologist Chuck Wiess offers some corrections to the original essay, upon which a revised version was published. This piece provides a perspective on the widespread misinformation spread by the climate crisis narrative and the consequences of falling for this fairytale.

Following this, we look into a video series called 'Juice', produced by energy commentator Robert Bryce, which explores the failures of replacing reliable electricity from coal, oil, gas and nuclear with wind and solar. The video raises important arguments about the fragility of the current electrical grid and the importance of affordable, reliable electricity provision.

Finally, we examine the misleading use of graphs, which is a common tool used to present data in a selective way to promote a certain agenda, particularly with regards to the climate crisis.

As always, feel free to use these references and pointers as a jumping-off point for your own further research!

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