Trump Calls for Expansion of Abortion Rights in Arizona

Trump Calls on Arizona to Use 'HEART' and 'COMMON SENSE' to 'IMMEDIATELY' Pass Pro-Choice Legislation in Arizona

President Donald Trump called on the Arizona legislature to use "HEART" and "COMMON SENSE" and pass a pro-choice bill in a post on Truth Social Friday. "The Supreme Court in Arizona went too far on their Abortion Ruling, enacting and approving an inappropriate Law from 1864. So now the Governor and the Arizona Legislature must use HEART, COMMON SENSE, and ACT IMMEDIATELY, to remedy what has happened," wrote Trump. "Remember, it is now up to the States and the Good Will of those that represent THE PEOPLE. We must ideally have the three Exceptions for Rape, Incest, and Life of the Mother. This is important! Democrats are the EXTREMISISTS -- They support Abortion up to the moment of birth, and even execution of Babies, in some cases, after birth. This should not be. Arizona Legislature, please act as fast as possible!"

Earlier this week, the state Supreme Court in Arizona decided that an old law predating the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade outlawing abortion except for when the mother's life is threatened was still valid. Trump's call for the expansion of abortion rights in the Grand Canyon State comes just days after he promised not to back any pro-life legislation if he retakes the White House this November and represents an implicit retraction of his call for states to navigate the abortion debate on their own. "My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it. From a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land, in this case, the law of the state," explained Trump in a statement earlier this week. "Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others. And that's what they will be at the end of the day. This is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart or in many cases, your religion or your faith. Do what's right for your family and do what's right for yourself. Do what's right for your children. Do what's right for our country, and vote."

Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona, has also called for pro-choice legislation in the state and promised not to support any federal bans on abortion if she's elected.

supremeboss: Trump's call for the expansion of abortion rights in the Grand Canyon State comes just days after he promised not to back any pro-life legislation if he retakes the White House this November and represents an implicit retraction of his call for states to navigate the abortion debate on their own. "Trump's entitled to have an opinion on the matter and he is the de facto leader of the GOP."

mbrfl: Trump stated- "- ideally we must have three exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. this is important!"

so, to make it clear- -it's not the child's fault, so why does it HAVE TO DIE?

mikelets456: I like Trump but here, like many other Republicans, he is a coward. The question is: is it a child? If the answer is no, then there should be no restrictions. But if yes -- and it is yes -- then there can be no justification for willfully killing it. A child is not an inconvenience, it is a person.

Sirius Lee: Wait until you see how many babies are slaughtered in Biden's second term. Plus the wholesale replacement and slaughter of regular Americans. It is more important to lose the entire plank than win 90% of it after all.

Cletus.D.Yokel: Trump's entitled to have an opinion on the matter and he is the de facto leader of the GOP. President Trump hasn't written off Arizona. We all saw what happened in 2022, and so did he. You aren't going to simply flip a switch and get your way with the abortion issue, like it or not. Too many generations have been raised with abortion being a "right", and this will take time to correct. President Trump is trying to win an election and seems to understand the reality of our current situation. I wish him luck.

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