Twenty-Five Years of NATO Aggression Against Serbia and the Purposely Escalated Genocide in Kosovo

The purpose of this article is to present the current situation in Kosovo & Metohija and the possible consequences of the Kosovo case for international relations and the post-Cold War 1.0 world order.

It is important to note that the precedence of Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence in February 2008 already had several negative "domino effect" consequences elsewhere in Europe (the Caucasus, the Crimean Peninsula, the Donbas region, etc.).

Toward a Greater Albania It is necessary to reiterate that ethnic cleansing of the Serbs (and other non-Albanian populations) in the region of Kosovo by the local Albanians after mid-June 1999 means putting into practice the annihilation of a Serbian territory of exquisite historical, spiritual, political, and cultural top-level significance in terms of the Serbian nation, state, and church, and its every-day visible transformation into another Albanian state in the Balkans with a real wish and possibility to unify it with a neighboring motherland Albania (almost all Kosovo Albanians are originally from Albania). In such a way, the main geopolitical goal of the First Albanian Prizren League from June 1878 is being brought to its attainment, including its implications for the Preševo Valley in Southeast Serbia, the western portion of North Macedonia up to the River of Vardar, a Greek portion of the Epirus province, and East Montenegro (Crna Gora).

It is known that the Albanian political workers required within a framework of the First Albanian Prizren League (1878-1881) a creation of a Greater Albania as an autonomous province in the Ottoman Empire composed of "all Albanian ethnic territories." More precisely, it was required that four Ottoman provinces (vilayets) of Scodra, Ioannina, Bitola, and Kosovo would be combined into a single Albanian national Ottoman province of Vilayet of Albania. However, in two out of four required "Albanian" provinces -- Bitola and Kosovo, the ethnic Albanians did not compose even a single majority at that time. Nevertheless, such a Greater Albania with a capital in Tirana existed during WWII under Mussolini's and Hitler's protectorate.

The Albanian national movement, established under the program of the First Albanian Prizren League in 1878, is continuing with its terrorist activities up today. It was particularly active in the period of Italian and German-supported Greater Albania from April 1941 to May 1945, when it undertook the organization of the Albanian Quisling network of agents. During this period, around 100,000 Serbs from Kosovo & Metohija were expelled from their homes in addition to around 200,000 expelled Serbs during Socialist Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980 led by Josip Broz Tito, who was of Slovene and Croat ethnic origin born in Croatia and notorious anti-Serb. The process of articulation of the Albanian secessionist movement in Kosovo & Metohija continued during the post-WWII Yugoslavia and was carried out by Kosovo Albanian anti-Serb communist partocracy. The process became particularly intense and successful in the period between 1968-1989. For instance, only from 1981 to 1987, there were 22,307 Serbs and Montenegrins who were forced to leave Kosovo & Metohija. The entrance of NATO's troops in the region in June 1999 marks the beginning of the last stage of the Albanian-planned and carried out the "Final Solution" of the Serbian Question on the territory of Kosovo & Metohija - a historical and cultural cradle of the Serbian nation, but in which only the ethnic Albanians have to live in the future.

In light of the main Albanian goal - to establish ethnically pure Greater Albania - it is "understandable" why it is so important to destroy any Serbian trace on the territory defined by the aspirations. The Albanian terrorism has been developing for more than two centuries. It has the profile of ethnically, i.e. the ethno-racist style motivated terrorism (like the Croat one), marked by excessive animosity against the Serbs. Its principal features are the following:

All kinds of repressive measures were directed against the Serbian population. Carrying practical actions to force the Serbs to leave their homes. The devastation of the Serbian Orthodox Christian religious objects and other cultural monuments belonging to the Serbian nation as they testify the ten centuries-long presence of the Serbs in Kosovo & Metohija. Destruction of the complete infrastructure used by the members of the Serbian community. Destruction of the Serbian cemeteries means de facto destruction of the historical roots of the Serbs in the region. Experiment Kosovo: "Die rückkehr des kolonialismus" A long-standing Muslim Albanian oppression and terror against the Christian Orthodox Serbian community in Kosovo & Metohija is a specific phenomenon with grave consequences not only for the local Serbs. It became, however, clear that sooner or later it would bring about severe problems for the rest of Europe as well.

Two decades have passed since

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