Week in Review: War crimes, lies, and corporate greed

Current news articles and interviews can be a great source of information on contemporary issues. Here is a compilation of some of the week's most compelling stories:

Palestine, Ukraine, and Israel: Following the week's devastating Israeli genocide in Gaza, where Israel targeted civilian sites including schools, hospitals, and mosques, the world has been debating whether Israel is committing war crimes. In addition, Israel's allegations that the rocket attack originated from UNRWA compounds have resulted in Biden freezing US funding to the agency. However, a U.S. intelligence assessment could not verify the claims and only found them to have a "low confidence" rating. The war in Ukraine is also ongoing, where Avdiivka recently fell to Russia. It should be noted that Britain's weapons company, BAE, has made billions in profit since the war began.

Rent Control, Medical Debt, and the Economy: In other news, Biden is considering invoking executive authority to curb migration across the southern border, which may alienate the Hispanic vote. Currently, over 7 trillion added to the US economy since the pandemic has come from "migrant surges". Additionally, the country is currently facing a housing crisis, with 19 million Americans living in areas with low income and limited access to supermarkets. This is especially concerning as food insecurity is rising, with hunger increasing nationally by 80% compared to last year.

Justice Thomas and the "Deserving Poor": The Supreme Court also ruled this week that New York City's rent stabilization program is unconstitutional, with Justice Thomas arguing that it is an improper taking of private property without compensation. This comes at a time when many are concerned with rising medical debt, with millions of Americans receiving eviction notices and sustaining excess mortality during the pandemic.

Child's Play: Lastly, there's the question of rules of engagement in orbital warfare, which one general describes as "somewhat immature". This comes in the context of increasing tensions between major powers, and the lack of direct communication channels between the Pentagon and the Chinese military due to Pelosi's provocative trip to Taiwan in 2022.

These are just a few of the week's most compelling stories making headlines.

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