WHO Pandemic Agreement May Soon Be Agreed Upon, Enabling Unlicensed Vaccines With Liability Shields Against Future Pandemics

The World Health Assembly's initiatives from May 27th to June 1st include changes to the 2005 International Health Regulation and introducing the WHO Pandemic Agreement, which would give the WHO the power to give orders to the world. This is concerning as the advice given by the WHO during COVID-19 included lock-downs and a massive PR campaign for a COVID-19 vaccine that turned out to be dangerous. These initiatives have had negative effects on people worldwide. The change to the International Health Regulation and the introduction of the Pandemic Agreement allow the WHO to streamline their response to any future pandemics, but their advice and regulations during COVID-19 were more harmful than helpful.

The WHO claims that their public health expertise is the best in the world and that the current system of local control is not efficient. However, their staff consists of pamphleteers, people who can write copy, a very hierarchical system, and a few physicians who have not practiced medicine in many years. The WHO handled Africa's two largest Ebola epidemics poorly, only providing assistance after 10 months of each epidemic. The WHO also triggered contracts worth tens of billions of dollars for vaccines for swine flu in 2009, and a new virus could be declared a pandemic. This resulted in over a thousand people developing narcolepsy from the pandemics, and vaccinations were given a liability shield so that the people who were harmed had no one to sue.

The WHO's current funding methods have also led them to partner with numerous pharmaceutical companies, as well as foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust. The WHO's budget is now funded by donations from these and other sources rather than member nation dues.

This news article explores the concerns surrounding the WHO's plans and how they may affect people around the world.