Why 'Oppenheimer' is a masterpiece of a biopic on science, secrets and falling stars

The astonishingly ambitious and intricate biopic on theoretical scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer from director Christopher Nolan ("The Dark Knight" trilogy, "Inception", "Dunkirk") has exploded into audiences' minds like a blast of ignited uranium upon its release just last week. With a rare 100 per cent critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an impressive 97 per cent audience score, this critics' favourite awards-contender leaves most biopics in its wake.

For those who have seen the film, it is not a mystery as to why this is so. The exquisite craftsmanship and dedication to scientific accuracy seen in "Oppenheimer" are seldom witnessed in the genre. As if firing off a series of controlled exponential explosions, Nolan's film somehow manages to simultaneously ignite every sense, captivating with each punch of the story.

From the enigmatic and deeply human portrayal of the titular character by Cillian Murphy to the meticulously-researched sets and visual nods to Einstein's theories and atomic physics, the film has been hailed universally as one of the finest recent biopics to delve into the scientific mind.

But what makes "Oppenheimer" so exhilarating is the extent to which everything it does feels indivisible from everything it's about. Visual and auditory cues echo the scientific subject matter while the story of science itself is intertwined with themes of power, secrecy, morality and the unpredictable consequences of knowledge.

Some will inevitably compare it to the likes of "Amadeus" or "Marie Antoinette", operatic and extravagant tales that illuminate the glory and scandal of their subjects. Yet, "Oppenheimer" is unique in how it portrays its titular figure.

Unlike the dramatized and frequently distorted portrayals of Frankenstein's monster or Dr. Moreau in literature and screen, the scientific prowess of Oppenheimer is irrefutable. It is this undeniability of fact that Nolan's film manages to impress upon audiences while still delivering a captivating human narrative.

The film expresses that what made Oppenheimer commendable, controversial, or even frightening, was not his scientific aptitude but the flawed and vulnerable human beneath it all. At the heart of this intricately-woven narrative is a personable and emotionally compelling character study of a man undone by the destructive capabilities of the science he once championed.

Viewers witness Oppenheimer's highs and lows, his humanitarian aspirations and moral contradictions, his profound sense of guilt and ultimate fall from grace all conveyed with a remarkable balance of emotion and scientific fidelity.

Even the historical inaccuracies in the script (although, notably, there are far fewer than average for a biopic) serve to accentuate the tale's core themes of government control, secrecy, and the tragic flaws of humanity.

Nolan's interpretation of Oppenheimer as a man destroyed by the atomic future he helped to create is a masterclass in how to humanize a historical figure without needing to fictionalize their achievements or morality.

The result is a superbly crafted piece of cinema that captures not only the scientific pursuits and ethical dilemmas of its subject but also, and perhaps more importantly, his very human nature. "Oppenheimer" explicates the notion that scientific discovery, however remarkable, is ultimately an extension of the fragile, fallible, and enigmatic human creature.

It is this rare clarity of vision and purpose, this unification of theme and genre, this harmonious convergence of narrative, character, and technical elements that make "Oppenheimer" more than just a biopic.

It is a mesmerising, thought-provoking, and brilliantly-realized piece of cinema that reinvigorates our enthusiasm for the power and glory of science, while simultaneously reminding us of its terrifying capabilities whenfallen into the hands of human vulnerability and error.

The extraordinary visuals and sounds, the thought-provoking commentary on ethics and accountability, and the remarkable performance of Cillian Murphy collectively ignite our senses and ignite the explosive subject matter.

In a rare merger of the cerebral and the emotional, "Oppenheimer" has not only crafted an enthralling narrative but a comprehensive tribute to the scientific method, consequence, and the fragile halls of power.

It is a film that will no doubt leave a profound impression on audiences for years to come.