xAI to open source its Grok chatbot, says Elon Musk

xAI to open source its Grok chatbot

Elon Musk, founder of xAI, has announced that the company will open source its Grok chatbot platform this week. Despite not disclosing any specifics about the decision, this is not the first time Musk has open-sourced company information.

Ten years ago, Tesla open-sourced its electric vehicle (EV) patents in the hopes that other manufacturers would follow in their footsteps, which they did, eventually leading to the adoption of Tesla's EV charging connector by major carmakers.

Similarly, last year, xAI published the code that powers its 'For You' algorithmic feed, but to the disappointment of many, it didn't yield much information.

Musk's intentions Some are speculating that Musk hopes to increase uptake of the model by opening up Grok's code to third-party developers and researchers. It's possible that the developer community may also provide useful feedback that could be implemented to improve Grok.

Others suggest that the move may also be a slight towards OpenAI, with whom Musk is currently entangled in a lawsuit. Musk alleges that OpenAI has strayed from its original not-for-profit mission and is now prioritizing profits, describing OpenAI as a "closed-source de facto subsidiary" of Microsoft.

OpenAI has retaliated against Musk, claiming that he actually wanted to merge Tesla and OpenAI and become CEO of the combined entity.

This article originally appeared on Engadget, you can find the original link here.

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