CBS's King Whines People Don't Care Enough About Trump Trial (Unlike ABC)

A far-left Democratic donor and broadcaster for one of the major networks in America has whined that people don't care enough about the “hush money” trial of Donald J. Trump. Gayle King, speaking on CBS Mornings opined about the lack of interest in the trial of the former President saying, “we should point out this is not normal. You know, Donald Trump always says he’s a — it’s a witch hunt, everyone’s against him, that it’s unprecedented, but also his behavior, for a lot of people, is unprecedented.”

King isn't wrong about one thing, the behavior of Trump and the witch hunt against him is unprecedented. However, she seems to think that Trump is unique in his accusation. Every modern president has faced a similar barrage of accusations, investigations, and betrayals. The difference is, Trump wasn't a career politician, so the political establishment went after him with a venomous vengeance not previously seen.

Over on ABC, former Clinton flack George Stephanopoulos giddily told chief Washington correspondent and three-time bestselling anti-Trump author Jonathan Karl that after having spent a year “talking about the political and legal calendars clashing”, Monday finally arrived. Stephanopoulos added Monday “felt” like a change in “the dynamic...from” the past “when Donald Trump was so convinced” the charges would be boon for his campaign. Karl beamed in announcing he saw “it in his behavior, in his demeanor” with Monday having been “a wake-up call for Donald Trump” in the form of “his new reality” as “now criminal defendant Trump.”

Clearly excited (and perhaps about the idea of a fourth book to hawk about Trump), Karl looked enthused at the idea of “see[ing] the bitterness, the anger” and “energy drained from” Trump: “He’s been indicted four times, he’s had to go to his indict — go to his arraignments, but now, he has to be inside a non-descript courtroom in lower Manhattan day after day against his will. He must be there and he is in a courtroom where he has no control. The judge is the boss and, for the most part, he has to be silent. You could see the bitterness, the anger, I think, the — the energy drained from him when he walked out of that courtroom at the end of the day. That was a different Donald Trump.”

Unfortunately for Karl, Trump isn't draining of energy in jail. Just the opposite, he's been raising money and rallying supporters in Pennsylvania, and is reportedly considering another run for president in 2024.

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